Susan Natale has always been obsessed with things small, and she and her business partner decided to turn that idea into what is called in the traditional world a “concept store.” In short order they assembled an inventory of about 900 distinctive products and engaged us to help them start selling.

In her own words:

I’ve always been obsessed with mini things. And what I mean by ‘mini’ is not like the doll-house miniatures, but small-scale everyday practical things. Not only do they have a big-time ‘cute’ factor, but are actually useful things that get the job done and….well, are fun. And while I’m all about cute and fun, as I got older, I realized that people need items that are cost efficient, functional & useful – and hey, if they can be adorably small and fun too, then it’s a win-win! …So, its official, I like small! As a result, in 2013, a few members of my family and I launched a store aptly named Little Obsessed. Our intention is to be able to provide a great selection of quality small sized products that are cute, fun, cost effective, and most of all, useful. for the perfect gift

I wanted to thank you for all your help in getting our E-commerce store,  Little Obsessed up & running.   From collaborating on our web site design, formatting & development;  to single-handedly setting up, tweaking and maintaining our website analytics (Google); to assisting us with our contact list, ads & campaigns – our initial (and hopefully continued) success is a result of your expertise, professionalism and direction.

Susan Natale, Owner